“We know where we live”, we always say to ourselves (and to anyone who will listen), when it’s National Day, or when fresh snow settles in the mountains in June. Because no matter how miserable the weather may be at times, Northern Norway is our home.
Many people from Northern Norway choose to leave the region. Some we call climate refugees, while others move away for education, love, or new adventures. What they all have in common, to varying degrees, is homesickness. Whether it’s longing for family, the fresh air, or the lively presence of fellow Northerners, that longing will always be there.
Northern Norway is a place with strong communities, where people care about each other. Even though the distance between cities can be vast, it feels like all Northerners are part of one big family. It is this sense of community that makes Northern Norway a home for many. And for those who have chosen to call this region “home,” it is an experience that cannot be compared to anything else.